Mechanism Design Service
Reviewing function, durability, assemblability, manufacturing cost, etc.
We offer you excellent services to ensure successful product development.
Mechanism Design Service
Reviewing function, durability, assemblability, manufacturing cost, etc.
We offer you excellent services to ensure successful product development.
Products Designing
It is one of the most important steps to determine the quality and the
manufacturing cost for enhancing the immediacy, effectiveness and accuracy of product
manufacturing by proper 3D mechanism designing based on the designed product’s structure,
assemblability, materials and manufacturing conditions.
디자인된 제품의 구조, 조립성, 재질, 생산조건을 바탕으로
적합한 기구를 3D로 설계함으로서 제품생산의 신속성, 실효성, 정확성을
높이기 위하여 개발 제품의 최종 품질과 원가를 결정짓는 중요한 단계입니다.
Mechanism Designing Process
기구설계 과정
Nine Labs'
Outstanding Mechanism Designing
나인랩스의 뛰어난 기구설계