CEO's Greetings

CEO 인사말

NINE LABS will dream the greater happiness with our customers.

고객과 함께 더 큰 행복을 꿈꾸는 

나인랩스가 되겠습니다 

CEO Park Sung-ho

경북창조경제혁신센터 G-Star Dreamer 13기

청년창업사관학교 7기, 8기

DGIST 벤쳐리더 과정 3기

구미시 청년 CEO 6기, 경북 청년CEO 6기

Pursuing Challenges and Changes

Global Carbon 3D Printer

Greetings, I am Parkk Seong-ho, the CEO of NINE LABS., Co., Ltd.

We have accumulated many of technical and sale know-hows of

3D printers and other our products since our establishments in 2015.

We have achieved excellent customers satisfaction through the

high standard quality control with our variety product line-ups.

We have been growing up our brand name with high skill which we

have built up in fierce competitions in the 3D printing industry field.

The tremendous potential has been built by that and made us recognizable in the industry.

We are constantly striving to deliver the products our customers needs.

We will do our best to provide the excellent price competitiveness and

best quality to our customers and this is our management’s philosophy.



- 전산 소모품 도매

- 홈쇼핑 관련 진행

- 휴게소 자동차용품영업

- 온라인 판매



- 3D 프린터 제조사 대표

- 프린터 Q.C

- 메인보드 회사 근무

- KIST 및 삼성전자 주문제작 개발 경험



- 수출업무 경험

- 해외 제조 인프라

- 매년 해외 시장 조사

- 해외 수출 인프라



- 경북청년CEO협회

- 구미시창업보육센터

- 수입사 및 유통사

- PC방 제안마켓 보유